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Picture the scene; you are in the market for, say, a new yard broom.

To be clear, we don’t have a broom to sell. We don’t even have a broom that we don’t want to sell. But let’s assume for the purposes of this blog, that we do.

So, this broom; it’s a good broom. We think you’ll like it.

It has all the relevant features required to make it work; a good sturdy handle, solid wooden head, and a set of tough bristles. So far, so good. It’s as good as any other broom that you’ll see advertised.

But – and here’s the killer – the head and bristles are exactly TWICE the width of most currently available brooms.

Convinced? Ready to buy? Of course not.

And we know why.

The reason you are not, as we speak, logging onto www.NMPRwonderbrooms.com, and choosing the express delivery option, is because the terrific, new, improved wider head of which we speak is just a feature. That is all. It may be unusual or even unique, but it’s still merely a descriptive explanation of something that the broom has.

Now, the more perceptive amongst you will perhaps be a little ahead of us already, realising that this new uber-wide broom head is likely to collect more dust in one sweep than a conventionally proportioned broom.

And indeed, it does. By a factor of 50%. If you need to sweep a lot of floors, this is clearly a distinct advantage.

Still not ready to buy? We thought not.

So, what if we explained that, if you were regularly in the habit of sweeping a 300 square metre floor twice a week (taking you half an hour each time), the NMPR Uber Turbo 6000c Wonder Broom would save you TWO HOURS a month? That, surely, is a real benefit.

Bet you really want one now, don’t you?

That’s because we have showed you a feature, described the advantage that this feature delivers, and then – this is the clincher – highlighted the genuine specific benefit to you that this advantage will bring.

Promoting anything – a product, a service, a concept – is so much easier when the reader or prospective client is shown how they will benefit from buying into it.

So, when we write for our clients, of course we mention the FEATURES of their stories. Of course, we set out the ADVANTAGES and results they can deliver.

But to maximize the chances of engagement, we try to show our readers how they would BENEFIT from getting involved.

See what we did, there? It’s all about being FAB.

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