In her latest blog, Rhiannon talks about how important Networking, or 'connecting', is and how to navigate a successful event.
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Derby PR & communications agency Nielsen McAllister has appointed a new specialist, Alona Vvedenska, who has arrived in the UK after fleeing her home in war-torn Ukraine.
PR planning is key, and creates the platform for us to build the content and communications that make a real difference for our clients.
In his latest blog, Richard is talking about FAB Writing - Why Good Copy Needs To Be Rich In Features, Advantages and Benefits
The newest member of the Nielsen McAllister team, Alona, discusses her experiences of being a Ukrainian in the UK.
In his latest blog, Bob is talking about why the communications world needs to keep abreast of changing cultural references.
Posted on 30/09/2022
Posted on 15/09/2022
Posted on 30/08/2022
Posted on 10/08/2022
Posted on 02/08/2022